Anna was born and raised in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. She moved to Brighton in 2005 to study for a BA in Drama and English literature at the University of Sussex.
In March 2009 she took up residence in Bristol and began an MA in Directing at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.
In July 2010 Anna graduated from BOVTS with Merits and is now a freelance director. She specialises in theatre and has experience in radio, TV and film. She is also co-founder of Juncture Theatre, a Jerwood Assistant Director and RSC Creative Fellow.

Find out what I've been up to in my blog posts below.

Leopoldstadt Closes on Broadway
2nd July 2023
After 4 years and nearly 500 shows between 2 sides of the Atlantic Ocean, Leopoldsadt closes at the place it has made its home for 9 months, the Longacre Theatre NYC. It has been a dream to work with every individual on this show from its fruition in 2019 to this very day. Happy Trails.

Baby Dolls RnD
26th-30th June 2023
At the start of this year we got Arts Council Funding for an RnD of Tamara Von Werthern's disturbing dystopian script Baby Dolls. It was a fascinating week, lots learned from the sharing and the discussions. Looking forward to the next stage thanks to Mel Lowe, Kiza Deen and Georgia Nicholson.

29th June, 2023
So we did it! So proud of these Lyric Hammersmith Springboard members (Chanel, Sam, Ryan, Romario, Adelaide, James, Rees, Wilf and Kane) for creating a brilliant industry showcase. Photos courtesy of Harry Elletson. Find out more at https://lyric.co.uk/young-lyric/springboard/

Leopoldstadt Wins 4 Tony Awards
11th June 2023
I was lucky enough to be able to go over to NYC and attend the 76th Annual Tony Awards as Leopoldstadt was nominated for 6 awards including Best Play, Best Director, Best Featured Artist in a Play, Best Design, Best Costume and Best Lighting. Picking up Best Play, Direction, Featured Artist and Costume was an absolute honour. I didn't think I could be any more proud of our show than I already was.

Springboard Lyric Hammersmith
April-June 2023
I have been fortunate enough to come on board with Lyric Hammersmith's brilliant Springboard training programme to direct their final year actors in a summer showcase. Keep a look out for these faces and names.

Julius Caesar Mountview
27th Feb - 31st March 2023
It was sad to see Orlando finish on 25th February but I feel very lucky to be onto the next project, directing a female and none-binary version of Julius Caesar at Mountview with 16 brilliant MA Acting students.

Royal Academy of Music - As You Like It
New YearJan-Feb 2023
New Year means new shows and very happy to say I was asked back to work with the MA Musical Theatre Students at the Royal Academy of Music to make a musical version of As You Like It. Photograph courtesy of Craig Fuller.

17th October 2022
Started rehearsals today as Associate Director for this exciting new adaptation of Virginia Woolf's Orlando by Neil Bartlett directed by Michael Grandage.

Leopoldstadt Broadway
1st August 2022
Today I step back into the rehearsal room for this wonderful play but this time over the pond with a whole gang of new performers. Couldn't be more excited for my Broadway debut.

The Glass Menagerie
11th April 2022
Today I start as Associate to Jeremy Herrin on The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Opens in May at The Duke of York's in the West End. Starring, Amy Adams, Victor Alli, Lizzie Annis, Tom Glynn-Carney and Paul Hilton.

Albion Mountview
28th February - 30th March
Back at the wonderful Mountview Theatre School directing 2nd year Musical Theatre Students in Mike Bartlett's tremendous play Albion. Love being back here and incredibly impressed with what the students produced.

The Invisible Man
January 6th 2022
I can't believe I can finally write this, but it is day one of rehearsals for The Invisible Man at Northern Stage. Since starting the writing process with Philip Correia in 2019 there have been a lot of ups and downs bringing this show to fruition (for obvious reasons). Such a dream to be working back in my home town and with these legends.

Much Ado at Royal Academy of Music
October 2021
Absolutely thrilled to have been invited back to RAM to direct their MA Musical Theatre students in another acting project. Fell so in love with Much Ado this year that thought it would be fun to see what it might be like as a jukebox musical... why the heck not. We need a little joy in our lives at the moment.

Leopoldstadt Returns
August 2021
We made it back! I think we are all pinching ourselves but after a lot of hard work we have brought this production out of hibernation. So happy to be among these beautiful old faces, and some new ones too. Here's to an uninterrupted run!

Much Ado About Nothing Guildhall
16th July 2021
A tough year but feel very grateful to be working with some wonderful second year students at Guildhall School Music and Drama on a super fun Shakespeare project.

Comedy of Errors Mountview
2nd November 2020
Another incredible opportunity to be working through this pandemic, this time with second year students at Mountview on a Comedy of Errors. Looking forward to getting stuck into some Shakespeare again and fortunatly a pretty upbeat one too...

The Changeling (Musical) Royal Academy of Music
28th October 2020
Was bitter sweet to finish this project at RAM with 9 incredibly talented students. It gave me such faith in this industry and felt like there was light at the end of the tunnel. Look out for these talented folks graduating next year and particularly MD extraordinaire Samuel Young who was not phased by making a musical out of a pretty heavy Jacobean tragedy...
Leopoldstadt wins Olivier for Best New Play
25th October 2020
In a year of terrible news here was something to brighten up our company's spirits. Not only a win for best new play but also actor in a supporting role for Adrian Scarborough. I miss this wonderful gang and can't wait to bring this show back to live audiences. Fingers crossed for 2021!

Royal Academy of Music Musical Theatre project
14th Septmeber 2020
Feel incredibly lucky to say that I start working again today! I'm directing a musical theatre version of The Changeling by Thomas Middleton for the MA musical theatres students of the Royal Academy of Music.
Fizzy Sherbet Podcast
24th August 2020
During lockdown I've been fortunate enough to have been working with a team of incredible women to put together a new podcast for international female writers. Click on the image for a link to start listening!

The Invisible Man postponed
August 2020
As was suspected the planned Invisible Man production at Northern Stage has been postponed until further notice. We hope to be able to bring it to audiences in 2021 depending on government guidelines.

Leopoldstadt Closes
16th March 2020
Its with sadness that we have had to suspend all performances of Leopoldstadt for the foreseeable future due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have all hopes of reviving it when it is safe to do so.
The Invisible Man
13th February 2020
I'm thrilled to announce that in August I start rehearsals for The Invisible Man for Northern Stage. The new adaptation by Philip Corriea will be an exciting fresh take on the classic novella which will start in Newcastle and then tour around Northern venues.

Noises Off
September 2nd 2019
Started rehearsals today for the West End transfer of Noises Off. Beautiful and hilarious cast!! Such a masterpiece of a play. Can't wait to bring it to the Garrick later this month (runs until 4th Jan 2020)

26th June 2019
Excited to finally be able to talk about this! Stunning new play by Tom Stoppard directed by Patrick Marber. Opens January 2020.

When We Begin
21st July 2019
Have been working with adventurous Look Left Look Right productions and The People Theatre on Leo J Skilbeck's new play When We Begin. Was fortunate to work with an ensemble of eight wonderful trans performers to producer a rehearsed reading for Latitude Festival.

Romeo and Juliet RSC Playmaking Festival
June - July 2019
Having a blast working with schools in Newcastle as a Director Mentor for the RSC Playmaking Festival. So proud of their Regional Festival at Sacred Heart High School and then onto Startford Upon Avon to perform Romeo and Juliet with five other regions.

Our Country's Good
7th April 2019
So we are about to enter the final week of rehearsals for Our Country's Good at Tobacco Factory Theatres. Such a stellar cast and a wonderful team. More information here.

Happy New Year!
Jan 2019
2019 is upon us and I'm already into rehearsals for Twelfth Night. Things seems to be shaping up to be a good and productive start to the year and this show is no exception. Incredibly lucky to have a wonderuflly talented cast making me laugh and see/hear Shakespeare in a new way every day! Performances start 17th Jan - 9th Feb at Southwark Playhouse. Details here.

Twelfth Night
August 2nd 2018
Announced today that I'll be directing Twelfth night for Southwark Playhouse 17th Jan - 19th Feb 2019 with the fab Anna Reid as designer!

Our Country's Good
September 21st 2018
So today it has been announced that I'll be directing Our Country's Good for Tobacco Factory Theatres in April next year. Super excited about this as it is a theatre close to my heart. Tickets can be booked here:Â https://www.tobaccofactorytheatres.com/shows/our-countrys-good-by-timberlake-wertenbaker/

16th-17th June
A wonderful weekend of RnD for new Xmas show at the Birmingham Mac for Pins and Needles Productions.

Exit the King
4th June 2018
Started rehearsals for Exit the King at the National Theatre where I'll be Staff Director to Patrick Marber.

Jan-June 2018
I've not had much a of a chance to update what I've been doing this year as have been away on tour with Hamlet and King Lear for the RSC as Associate Director. We started in the UK with Hamlet and then travelled onto BAM in NYC for King Lear, to Washington DC with Hamlet and finished up out 104th and final show of King Lear at the RST in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

The Internet Was Made For Adults
October 25th 2017
So we head into the next phase of the Hitting The Wall show, The Internet Was Made For Adults. Going to have a sharing at Women at RADA in December and start rehearsing for The Vaults Festival 2018. Watch this space!

October 12th 2017
Today I started a little research and development into a new musical theatre idea at Shoreditch Town Hall with the wonderful Christina Carty and Stuart Barter. Got a few more sessions before we have a sharing on Dec 1st. Some cracking music being made and exciting discoveries, mostly involving Bill Murray and Bjork.

Invisible Man
September 4th 2017
Well today we start our RnD for Invisible Man wonderfully supported by Arts Council England! Looking forward to seeing what make!
To follow the progress of the RnD click here for a link to our blog.

People Places and Things
August 21st 2017
Today I step into rehearsals as Associate Director on People Places and Things by Duncan MacMillan. We will be tour to Manchester, Oxford, Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton, Cambridge and Liverpool.

The Internet Was Made For Adults
30th June 2017
Had a great day with the Hitting The Wall women working on their new play The Internet Was Made For Adults. Another session tomorrow and Monday before our public reading on Tuesday Above The Arts. Can't wait for people to see all of their hard work and get the songs stuck in their head, like I have!
Click for trailer

A Night of Small Things:Â Old Red Lion
28th June 2017
Had a great session yesterday with Sarah-Jayne Butler on Joel Samuel's new script There's Blood. Going to be showing it on Sunday 2nd at the Old Red Lion as part of A Night of Small Things.
Book by clicking here.
8th June 2017
Wonderful Victor Rois and his company Three Blokes Productions made a brilliant video documenting the making of Go Between with Young Vic Taking Part. I miss these peeps!

Hitting a Wall
17th-20th May 2017
For four days I will be researching and developing, with four marvellous writer/performers, musical director and AD, a new piece about pornography, anxiety, social media and female relationships. Looking forward to being in a room with these six inspiring women for four days.

Equity Shakespeare Workshop
April 21st 2017
The day before the Bards birthday I ran a short Exploration of Shakespeare workshop for Equity members. I had a great time but the time flew by so hopefully I can do another in the future. Got some lovely feedback:
"I just want to say how much I enjoyed the workshop... it was both stimulating and informative. I really hope you can get Anna again soon." Participant

The Kid Stays in the Picture
March 11th - April 8th 2017
Since the middle of February I have been assisting Simon McBurney and James Yateman as Script Supervisor on a new Complicite show, The Kid Stays in the Picture.

Go Between
September 2016 - Jan 2017
Since September I have been working with The Young Vic Taking Part department on a new project with 30 homeless people. Our participants were either currently homeless or had experienced homelessness in the past. It was enlightening and magical five months and watching their final production was one of my proudest moments.

Jan 2017
As a wonderful New Years present the tremendous people at Illuminate and Brainchild (based in Platform, Southwark) loaned us a space for the month to use as we wished. We (being Lily McLeish, Matthew Evans and Tinuke Craig) created a little hub for artists from all disciplines to meet and chat, create work, have readings or just come out of the cold for a little bit. Lily rehearsed Colder Water Than Here and I started some RnD for Invisible Man. We also held auditions workshops for LESOCO and rehearsed readings for Fizzy Sherbert.